Most personal injury lawyers work on a contingency fee basis. This means that your lawyer does not get paid unless you recover monetary compensation by way of a settlement, jury verdict, or favorable arbitration award.
If you do recover compensation in your case, under most contingency fee agreements, your lawyer will be entitled to a portion of your recovery, depending upon the amount of work that your lawyer has put into the case. For example, if your case settles before filing a lawsuit, your attorney might be entitled to one-third (33 and 1/3 percent) of your settlement proceeds under your agreement with him or her. However, if your lawyer is forced to file a lawsuit to resolve your case, your lawyer might be eligible to recover a forty percent (40%) fee.
Virtually all personal injury cases, including car accident cases, slip and falls, pedestrian accidents, bicycle accidents, and motorcycle accident cases, are handled by attorneys on a contingency fee basis.
Call an Experienced Greenville Personal Injury Lawyer Today
Greenville personal injury attorney David R. Price, Jr. of David R. Price, Jr., P.A. will be able to answer all of your contingency fee questions and will provide zealous representation on your behalf in your personal injury case. For a free case evaluation and legal consultation with a knowledgeable Greenville personal injury attorney, please give us a call at 864-432-1759 or contact us online for more information about how we can help.
Personal Injury FAQ
What Do Attorney’s Fees Cover?
Fees in a personal injury case compensate an attorney for all of his/her time, preparation, skill, and experience in handling the case. In most personal injury cases, attorneys will spend a significant amount of time preparing for depositions, hearings, mediations, and trials.
What if I Do Not Recover Anything in my Personal Injury Case?
Under most contingency fee agreements, the personal injury attorney is not entitled to recover a fee if the client does not recover monetary compensation in the case.
Must a Contingency Fee Agreement be in Writing?
The contingency fee agreement between an attorney and his or her client must be in writing and signed.