If you are bitten by a dog, South Carolina law entitles you to compensation from the dog’s owner or handler to pay for your injury-related bills. If you believe your injuries will be expensive to treat and you are considering filing a lawsuit, you will want to document your injuries by photographing your injuries as well as any torn or bloody clothing. Also, report the bite to the appropriate authorities and try to get names and contact information for any witnesses.
Because state, county, and city laws can each govern dog bites, it is important to get the advice of a local attorney who is familiar with dog bite cases to see if the circumstances in your particular incident will support a successful lawsuit.
If the dog’s owner has homeowner’s or other liability insurance, it is likely that the insurance company will be paying for the owner’s defense in any lawsuit in order to minimize any settlement or judgment you win.  It is important to make sure that you are equally well-represented.
If you or a loved one believes you may have a case involving a dog bite and want to speak with an experienced attorney, fill out our free case evaluation form or call us now at 864-271-2636.