How to Read a South Carolina Highway Patrol Accident Report

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When you are involved in a car accident in South Carolina, the police officer who arrives first at the scene will fill out form that he gives to each driver. This form is called the FR-10, and it identifies the drivers, the owners of the vehicles involved, their contact information, and their insurance information. It also includes an indication from the investigating officer about who the officer believes was at fault. Each driver involved in the collision is required to send this form to their insurance carrier, who files it with the state to confirm the driver has insurance coverage.

The police officer also completes a more detailed Collision Report, known as the TR-310. This accident report is not given to drivers, but it is filed with the State. This report contains a significant amount of data about the nature and circumstances of the collision, as well as the degree of injuries and property damage that resulted. It even contains a diagram of the collision, and contact numbers for any persons that witnessed the collision.

Most people believe what’s in a South Carolina accident report will determine who is at-fault and how much the victims can seek as compensation for their injuries and damages from the accident, but this is not necessarily true. Although the accident report details the evidence and conclusion of the officer on the scene, the report is not a final determination of fault. Only the court can make a binding determination of fault. Nevertheless, most insurance companies will quickly seize on small details or facts without a proper context, and try that could damage your attempt to recover compensation.

South Carolina accident reports can help you if you have the knowledge and skills to read it and appreciate the type and significance of the data contained therein. The lawyers at David R. Price, Jr., P.A. can manage your car accident case, and investigate every angle that affects the compensation you may be entitled to.

Information Contained In a South Carolina Accident Report

After an accident, the first step should be to call 911 to report the collision. A law enforcement officer will arrive at the scene and fill out multiple reports outlining the details of the crash. Before you leave the scene, they will give you a preliminary Financial Responsibility report containing initial information about the crash.

The final TR-310 Collision Report will includes more-significant details about the crash. This “final” accident report will include:

  • Time, data, and the location of the collision
  • Name, contact information, address, driver’s license number, and insurance details for the drivers involved
  • Details on the vehicles’ occupants
  • Names and contact of potential witnesses
  • The sequence of events before and after the accident includes a diagram of how the officer believes the accident occurred
  • Contributing factors to the accidents such as distracted driving, driving when intoxicated, speeding, or disobeying traffic rules.
  • The degree of damage to the vehicles.
  • The officer’s impressions regarding the severity of any injuries.

Where to Obtain a Copy of Police Accident Report in South Carolina

You can get a copy of your South Carolina accident report in various ways. They include:


All accidents occurring after March 2012 have ready reports online. You can access them by logging in to the South Carolina DMV online accident reports page and requesting a copy for $6.


There are two ways to obtain your in-person accident reports.

First, complete the Request for Collision Report Form FR-50, then return it to the South Carolina Department of Motor Vehicles branches to request a copy. Each copy goes for $6.

The second way is requesting a copy of the crash reports directly from the police department or sheriff’s office completed by the police report at the crash scene.

By mail

You can mail the completed Request for Collision Report Form FR-50 along with the money order or check for the $6 to:

  • South Carolina Department of Motor Vehicles
  • Titles Mail-in Unit FR-50
  • PO Box 1498
  • Blythewood, SC 29016-0050

Why Is a Car Accident Report Important?

The car accident reports will not prove anything in court, but they will verify your car accident occurred and that the at-fault party was involved. Often, insurance companies will accept their findings as to fault. Without the official report, it will be difficult to prove that the at-fault driver was the same driver who caused your injuries and damages.

It is best to get your accident report soon as possible. Waiting until the last minute may lead to errors and missed evidence. Start building a starting case to fight against the insurance company.

Contact The Law Offices Of David R. Price, Jr., P.A. About Your Car Accident

Obtaining the South Carolina Collision Report is an essential step to building your case. If you hire an attorney, they can obtain your accident report with you. Always consult with an attorney as soon as possible. Time is always against you for car accident cases, so file the claim before the statute of limitation expires.

We offer a free consultation for all South Carolina residents and set you on the right path to receive compensation. Contact us today to schedule a free consultation.

Car Accident Case FAQs

What should I do after a car accident?

Call 911 and seek medical attention for yourself and others injured in the accident. Write down the names and addresses of any potential witnesses and take pictures of the accident on a camera or phone.

How long do I have to file a car accident claim?

In South Carolina, a person typically has three years from the date of injury to file a personal injury or wrongful death lawsuit. However, every case is unique, so speak to an experienced car accident in South Carolina to know when the time is up for your specific situation.


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