While drivers must stop after an accident, some drivers do not always follow the law. They may be afraid because they do not have insurance, or there can be an outstanding warrant for their arrest. Some people think that they can get away with a car crash by breaking the law and fleeing the scene. Although it can make your life more difficult if the driver responsible for the accident flees the scene, it does not mean that you will go uncompensated.
It is still possible to receive financial compensation for a hit-and-run accident injury, even when you cannot locate the driver who hit you. South Carolina law requires that auto insurance companies provide a certain amount of uninsured motorist coverage with all automobile insurance policies sold in the state. Drivers have the option of purchasing additional uninsured motorist coverage up to the limits of the liability coverage. It is always a wise investment to purchase this additional coverage as part of your policy because you never know what other drivers may do on the road and whether they are prudent themselves.
If you or a loved one have been injured or killed after a hit-and-run accident in Greenville, then you should act swiftly to seek compensation. At David R. Price, Jr., P.A., we provide aggressive representation on behalf of hit-and-run victims to recover the damages that they are entitled to. Contact our Greenville car accident lawyer now for a free consultation.
Who Pays the Damages After a Hit-and-Run Crash in Greenville?
If you are the victim of a hit-and-run accident claim and do not know the identity of the other driver, then you will substitute your insurance company for another driver. Unfortunately, the fact that you are filing the claim with your own insurance does not mean that things will be any easier for you when it comes to obtaining the right amount of compensation for your injuries. Your insurance company will resist writing a check as much as any other insurer.
After a hit-and-run accident, you are entitled to the following elements of financial compensation:
- Medical expenses (all parts of your costs, including treatment, prescription, and therapy),
- Lost wages for time missed from work,
- Pain and suffering for physical and emotional damages,
- Loss of enjoyment of life,
- Property damages, including loss of use, and
- Punitive damages.
The insurance company is required to pay your damages up to your policy limits. If you have multiple vehicles, you can stack the uninsured motorist coverages on each of your vehicles. However, you will still need to fight as hard for fair compensation as in any other case. If you have suffered an injury in a hit-and-run accident, three things are essential for you to do:
- Obtain a police report for the accident to show that the other driver did not stop,
- See a doctor to have your injuries diagnosed and treated, and
- Contact an experienced attorney to handle your insurance claim from the collision.
Contact a Hit-and-Run Accident Lawyer in Greenville Today
The attorneys at David R. Price Jr. P.A. will vigorously fight for you, no matter which insurance company is on the other side of the claim. Call us today at (864) 271-2636 or reach out to us online to schedule your free initial consultation. Time is of the essence.
Hit-and-Run Accident Claim FAQs
How much money can I get in compensation for my accident injuries?
It all depends on your own individual situation and your particular damages.
How much will a car accident lawyer cost me?
Nothing at first, and nothing at all unless you win your case.
How long will my car accident take to complete?
Much of it depends on the duration of your medical treatment. Once you are recovered and can fully value your case, you will need to build your file to support your claim. While your insurance company cannot delay your claim, it may act slowly, hoping to will wear you down. An aggressive attorney will impose time limits in the claims process, and file a lawsuit if the insurance company unnecessarily delays your claim.